Party Bag For 68 Year Old
My mum Eileen, will be with us for her 68th birthday next year, a few days before my son William’s 6th birthday. Here in Australia it is mandatory you supply birthday party guests with a party bag upon leaving the festivities – well for children’s parties at least. These bags usually consist of colourful sugary sweets plus other things like, a plastic toy, funny pencil, balloon, bubble mixture etc. My parents and I mused about what you might supply in a 68 year old’s party bag. We came up with the following:
- Broken pair of reading glasses
- Incontinence pad (unused)
- Imperial mint (sucked)
- Lost set of keys
- Hearing aid battery
- Large print book
- Unposted Christmas card
- 15 year old TV Remote control fixed with sellotape but only 3 buttons work
- Tea bag (got to have a treat in there)
- 7-day plastic pill box
- An odd kitchen utensil that no one under 48 has any idea what it’s for
- Something crochet, or maybe just the pattern
- A small bag of random buttons
- An audio tape (home recorded)
What else do you think would be good?
Some more thoughts:
- A drawing from a grandchild (under 6)
- A 5¼” floppy disk – blank (for back-up purposes)
- Denture cream
- SAGA tours brochure
Add your suggestions in the comment box below…
How about a copy of the MMSE (It’s about the most famous cognitive test in the world for the elderly….)
Mini–mental state examination